EBMA/APCA | EBMA/CAD | Our Board Members | Mission | Awards Ceremony | Our Letters | Professional Institutes | International Recognitions | Outstanding Awardees | EBMA/CDMA | EBMA/CMS |
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Message from The Former Director of Education, Hong Kong Government | APCA's 17th Anniversary Messages / Recommendations from Celebrities | More Recommendations | AIT University |
16th Anniversary Messages from CDMA Fellows and Members | 15th Anniversary Messages from CAD Fellows and Members | CMS' 13th Anniversary Messages/Recommendations from Celebrities |
傑出管理大獎得獎人 | 傑出董事大獎得獎人 | 傑出行政總裁大獎得獎人 | Distinguished CMA Member | Outstanding Director Award |
(Remarks : See page 34.) | (Remarks : See page 230.) |
Professional Institutes (Registered with The HKSAR Government) | Hong Kong Educatioin Bureau, HKSAR Government | CMS' Letters of Appreciations | Where Do Our CMS Graduates Come From? | Employers of Our CMS Graduates |
Return | Founder | Press-Release | University Ceremony | ACCREDITATION | 香港恒生大學 | The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong |
星雲大師 | 中國習近平主席 | (Our 特許行政管理協會 | (Our 特許行政管理協會 |
會唔星雲大師 | Listed by HKSAR Govt.) | Listed by HKSAR Govt.) |
Top | CMA's 30th Anniversary | International Recognitions | CUFCE Recognitions | Professional Institutes | Hong Kong Academic Board | CMA Board Members | Outstanding Awardees |
Westcliff University Commencement | Campus Locations |
Accreditation | Awards & Recognition |
Fast Facts | Faculty Directory |
Academics |
College of Business |
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) |
Master of Business Administration (MBA) |
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) |
College of Education |
Doctor of Education in Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction (EdD) |
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MATESOL) |
Bachelor of Art in Education (BAEd) |
College of Law |
Juris Doctor Degree (J.D.) |
Message from the Former Director of Education, | Message from Our Honorary Senior President | Message from Our Honorary Senior President | Message by Prof. Dr. Dominic S.W. Wong, | Message by The Hon. LAM Woon-Kwong, GBS, JP |
for CMA's 30th Anniversary | for CMS' 10th Anniversary | GBS, OBE, JP, FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA | Former Director of Education, HK Government |
Former Director of Education, HK Government |
Return | Message by Prof. NG Hak-Kim | Message by Professor John CY Leong | 張有興 CBE 太平紳士 | Honorary Patron | Honorary Senior President |
GBS, JP | SBS, OBE, JP | Honorary Patron | Prof. Charles W.B. Cheung, JP, DBA (Hon.), MBA | Prof. Hon. Joseph K.L. Lee, Ph.D, SBS, JP |
Former Secretary of Education | Former Chairman The HKCAAVQ, | Dr. Hilton Cheong-Leen | FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA | FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA |
Chairman of HK Exams and | HKSAR Government | CBE, JP, Chev. Legion d'Honneury | (Director and Vice Chairman of Executive Committee, | Hon. Life Fellowships of CMA, CAD and APCA |
Assessment Authority | FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA, FCITD | Metropolitan Bank (China) Limited | 香港立法會議員 |
(Former Director of the Tung Wah Group) (See Page 4.) | (Member of the Legislative Council, Hong Kong) |
Honorary President | Honorary President | Honorary President | Honorary President and Academic Director | Honorary President | Dr. David H. Turpin, CM, Ph.D, FRSC |
駱健華律師 | 王啟達大律師, 會計師 | Huang Shao-Kang | Dr. William YS Chan | Dr. Dennis Pollard, Ph.D | President and Vice-Chancellor |
Dr. Leo K.W. Lok | Dr. Dickson K.T.Wong | FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA | FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA | FCHMA, FCHAD, FAPCA | University of Victoria, Canada |
FCHMA, FCHAD,FAPCA | FCHMA, FCHAD,FAPCA | 香港上市公司主席 | Chairman, Manchester Business School | 前美國加州州立政府大學教授 |
前香港大學校董 | 前香港中文大學校董 | Alumni Association (China) Limited |
CMA's 37th Anniversary Message by The Hon. Eric KK Chan, SBS, IDSM | HKSAR Government Appointment |
Director of the Chief Executive's Office, Hong Kong SAR Government | (The Hon. Eric KK Chan, SBS, IDSM |
Chief Secretary for Administration |
Member of The Executive Council) |
Message by 譚耀宗人大常委, GBM, JP | Message by 香港立法會前主席黄宏發, OBE, JP | Message by 李鵬飛前人大代表, CBE, JP | Message by 余國春全國政協常委, GBS, SBS, JP | Message by 羅涵先全國政協常委 |
Message by 朱樹豪前全國政協, JP | Message by 高永文全國政協, 香港行政會議成員, GBS, JP | Message by 黎棟國全國政協, 香港立法會議員, GBS, IDSM, JP | Message by 唐偉章全國政協, JP |
Message by 陳新滋全國政協, JP | Message by 張仁良全國政協, BBS, JP | Message by 區永熙全國政協, BBS, JP | Message by 黄少康全國政協 | Message by 李惠森全國政協 |
Top | Education & Manpower Bureau Letter | Asia Pacific CEO Association | Chartered Association of Directors | Chartered Management Association | CDMA/CAD/APCA listed by HKTDC 香港貿易發展局 (香港貿發局) |
Chartered Management School of Distance Learning | ED Letter | Education Bureau Letter | SFAA Letter | Hot Courses | Advertisements | Letters of Appreciatioins | Where Do Our CMS Graduates Come From? | Employers of Our CMS Graduates |
Return | Top | Telephone: 2308 1188/2897 1668 | Email: info@cmagroup.org.hk | For Credits Transfer policy, please WhatsApp 6998 7710 |
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Hong Kong Board of Academic Advisors
(in alphabetical order)
□ Professor P. Chan, PhD, MBA, LLB (Hons.)
- Full Professor of Management,
California State University, USA
- President, E2Engery
□ Professor William YS Chan, PhD, MBA
- Chairman 2013-2014 MBSAA (CN) Ltd.
University of Manchester Approved Mentor, MBA Project Supervisor and MBA program e-facilitator
- Academic Director, Chartered Management School of Distance Learning (2001)
- Honorary President of Asia Pacific CEO Association (1997),
Chartered Management Association (1998), Chartered Association of Directors (1999)
□ Professor Chester WP Chu, DBA, MBA
- Honorary President of Charter Management Association
- Honorary President of Chartered Management Association
- President of Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors Ltd. (HKAFA)
- President of Hong Kong Institute of Certified ESG Strategists Ltd. (HKICES)
- Former Vice Chairman of Committee of IPO and Mergers & Acquisitions of
The Institute of Certified Management Accountants (CMA)
□ Dr. Leo Lok ( 駱健華律師, 博士 ), LL.B ( Hon. ), LL.M, MBA, LL.D
- Solicitor and Notary Public, Hong Kong
- China-Appointed Attesting Officer
- Barrister & Solicitor of Supreme Court of Australia and Singapore
- 前香港大學校董
Former Member of the Court of Convocation, The University of Hong Kong
□ Mr. Sung Wing-Sum
- Fellow of Association of Certified Public Secretaries And Administrators (FACPSA)
- Member of the Board of Academic Advisers,
Association of Certified Public Secretaries And Administrators (ACPSA)
(Registered under the Societies Ordinance of The Hong Kong SAR Government)
- CPA (Practicing)
□ Sir Dr. Alan Wong (黃德倫爵士)
- Honorary President , Charter Management Association
- 聖約翰(馬爾他)大司令官爵士
- 歐洲馬爾他騎士團特派專員
Grand Commander, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knight of Malta
- 番禺橫瀝鎮政府經濟顧問
- 山西省海聯會理事
- 貴州省海聯會理事
- 重慶市海聯會理事
- 清遠市政協之友聯誼會理事
- 原香港東區區議會民選議員
□ Professor Matthew S T Yip, Ph.D, Ed.D, MSc (CUHK), MSc (HKUST)
- Senior Advisor, Charter Management Association
- Senior Advisor, Chartered Management School of Distance Learning
- Fellow Member (FCHMA) and Senior Advisor, Chartered Management Association
- Fellow Member (FCHAD) and Senior Advisor, Chartered Association of Directors
- Fellow Member (FAPCA) and Senior Advisor, Asia Pacific CEO Association
- Fellow Member (FCITD and Senior Advisor), Chartered Institute of Training And Development
- Guest Master’s Degree Lecturer of Hong Kong Metropolitan University
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